Take a sneak peek at Black Friday deals | The Cheapskate - CNET News

Take a sneak peek at Black Friday deals

Posted by Rick Broida

The rotten economy notwithstanding, Black Friday will undoubtedly produce the usual levels of retail insanity.If you're intrepid enough to brave long lines and deal-crazed crowds on the day after Thanksgiving, well, I salute you. And I offer you BlackFriday.info, a site that rounds up Black Friday ads well in advance so you can plan your shopping (i.e. figure out where you want to show up at 4 a.m.).As of Friday, the site has ads for about two dozen stores, including Best Buy, Radio Shack, and Staples.Truth be told, I'm not seeing any deals that are vastly superior to the kind of stuff I post daily. That's not me being self-congratulatory. It's me being surprised that stores aren't stepping up with lower prices. I mean, where's the $150 Blu-ray player? Or the $500 42-inch HDTV?Maybe we'll see better deals emerge as the big day draws closer. For now, I'm unimpressed. But if you find anything truly Cheapskate-worthy, by all means hit the comments section and let everyone know.A technology writer for more than 15 years, Rick Broida is a regular contributor to CNET and the author of more than a dozen books, including How to Do Everything with Your Palm Powered Handheld. He writes The Cheapskate for the CNET Blog Network, and is not an employee of CNET. Disclosure.
Take a sneak peek at Black Friday deals | The Cheapskate - CNET News