The DIY Cheapskate Laptop Stand

The DIY Cheapskate Laptop Stand

This is the DIY Cheapskate Laptop Stand that I created for my home office. Click here to see the stand in action.

The instructions to build this stand can be seen and downloaded by visiting: The DIY Cheapskate Laptop Stand (the link should be active by 11/12/2008, but please check back if it is not). You can also find two additional inexpensive laptop stands on the blog post if this one is too ugly for your taste (I suppose you could wrap it in some Japanese origami paper or other material if you like).

The laptop stand has held up well so far and served its purpose, which is to raise my laptop monitor height to a comfortable viewing position. It also allows me to use a dual monitor setup in my home office for that extra productivity boost. Also, you can find extra information about my home office by visiting my home office set.


Uploaded by tomas carrillo on 12 Nov 08, 6.57PM CDT.