$8.00 for shipping or.... $0.87 for some batteries | MetaFilter


Here’s an amazingly convenient tool I found mentioned on metafilter.com.  When you’re shopping and you need to spend let’s say another 8–9 dollars more than you have already to get free shipping or quality for a discount — this tool will find what products cost exactly how much more you need to spend!  Better to get something else than let the money go to markups or shipping!!!  Definitely one to remember!


$8.00 for shipping or.... $0.87 for some batteries
December 4, 2007 9:14 AM RSS feed for this thread Subscribe
Straight from the Department of Things Everybody But Me Probably Knew About Two Years Ago, it was only yesterday that I discovered the mind-boggling usefulness of the Amazon Filler Item Finder, which allows you to enter the exact price of the item you need to pad your order up to $25.00 for free shipping. Happy postage-free holidays.

$8.00 for shipping or.... $0.87 for some batteries | MetaFilter.