107 Year Old Bride Seeking a Mate

Will Wedding Bells Ring for 107-Year-Old Bride Hopeful?

The surest sign that capitalism is still in the early stages in China is that no one has started a reality show to find 107-year-old Wang Guiying a hubby. Guiying grew up watching the women in her family being abused by their husbands, which kept her on the sidelines of the wedding game and instead supported herself as a farmer until the age of 74. Lately, though, she’s been feeling like a burden on her nieces and nephews and has decided to seek out a mate at long last. The local government is getting in on the action by searching high and low through retirement homes looking for a honey for the woman who could be crowned Queen of the Cougars. You go, girl! The Viagra is wrapped and ready to be airmailed.

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