Sex: What is Fact, What is Myth? Learn for yourself!

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Sex: Fact and Fiction
What’s the average penis size? How fast is premature ejaculation? Exactly where is the G-spot? Grab a ruler and a stopwatch as the experts sort sex myths from the facts.

If there were a roll call for the founding fathers of sex myths for men, a
couple of no-brainers would surely make the list: porn legend John Holmes,
whose yule-log-size penis still casts a shadow over anxiety-prone males. Ditto
NBA-great Wilt Chamberlain, whose claim of having slept with 20,000 women makes
Don Juan look monastic.

And then there’s purveyor-of-sex-myths Walt Disney.

In reality, says Prosterman, “Sex is something that we learn throughout a

If sexuality is a continuing education, a lot of us are scrambling to make
up course credits. And in a realm that’s clouded by ego, myth and advertising
that preys on anxieties, getting the facts about sex can be difficult.
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