STAGE I: Chaotic, Antisocial. Frequently pretenders; they pretend they are loving and pious, covering up their lack of principles
STAGE II Formal, Institutional, Fundamental. Beginning the work of submitting themselves to principle-the law, but they do not yet understand the spirit of the law
STAGE III Skeptic, Individual, questioner, including atheists, agnostics and those scientifically minded who demand a measurable, well researched and logical explanation. Although frequently "nonbelievers," people in Stage III are generally more spiritually developed than many content to remain in Stage II.
STAGE IV: Mystic, communal. Out of love and commitment to the whole, using their ability to transcend their backgrounds, culture and limitations with all others, reaching toward the notion of world community and the possibility of either transcending culture or
belonging to a planetary culture desiring to enter into the mystery of uncertainty, living in the unknown. |